New Fitness Motivation!
And again..weeks passed and I haven't updated my blog. Sorry about that (for those who bother reading this) :)
Anyway, I'm back! (Again!) Yay!
A couple of weeks ago, I received a very exciting news. I'm not allowed to share it yet publicly but hopefully they will give me a GO sign soon! This good news just gave me a great excuse to tell myself to cut off the slack. No more alcohol. No more shitty food. Eliminate sweets and focus on being healthy and fit!
This week I have started my own boot camp at home. I bought my own equipments that I use in the camp before, used my building gym frequently now and the swimming pool and decided to be active again in Fitness First classes.
The inspiration.. ;)
I know right?! But I always believe that nothing impossible if you really really want it and you work hard for it!