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My Inspiration.

Just before I go to sleep, as I am having a last glimpse on this photo taken today, it made me feel as the luckiest woman on earth.

I may have lots of dreams I haven't reached yet but God just given me the greatest blessing I could ever have. Beyond perfection and absolute symbol of his love for me - my children.

Everyday, as I watch my kids grow up, I'm experiencing a priceless moment every single parent dreamed of. I am not rich. I don't have a job. I have nothing but I have everything I wanted in life and they're priceless and they are my treasures in life. My kids. My beautiful children that I'll always be proud of.

To my Julian and Sebastian,

I wanted to let you know that my world only revolves with you. Everything that I do is for you to see how life should be lived. It doesn't matter what's going to be the status of your lives one day, as long as you live the right way, respect people and touching other people's lives - you're living the right life. I wanted you to see and experience the true meaning of happiness beyong material things. It's different. Big difference. One day, when I'm gone I want you to believe in yourself that you can achieve anything you want in life. Have faith in God, humanity and perfect timing, Everything will come together. I love you always and Mum will never leave you feeling lonely - forever. I'll always be here waiting for you to come back home.


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